Welcome A+ Heating. Cooling. Electric EmployeesIn this custom section you will find everything you need to help administer, enroll and participate in your employee benefit plans.
Looking for something in particular? Have any suggestions on what we can add here for you? Let Clint Perry know via email at [email protected] |
Sharp Employee Enrollment FormUse this form to enroll in your employer's Sharp HMO or plans. Please complete Release of Personal Health info along with this form.
Sharp 1500.45.20% A Benefit SummaryYour employer's HMO Option from Sharp
Declination of CoverageEmployee's declining coverage should complete this form
Release of Personal Health InfoThis form should also be completed along with your current enrollment form.
Humana Preventative Plus Dental |
Your employer's dental benefit plan and summary
Per Pay Period DeductionsThe per pay period deductions for your dental plan.
This will come out of your check pre-tax on a bi-weekly basis |
Employee only - $3.17
Employee & Spouse - $11.20 Employee & Children - $13.70 Employee & Family - $23.39 |
Clint Perry - Unlimited Benefits Representative |
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Sharp Health Care Fact Sheet
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Find a Humana Dentist
Sharp Frequently Asked Questions
Humana Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When do Medical maximums and deductibles reset? |
A: Annual Deductibles, maximums and limits add up throughout the coverage year, then reset and begin again on the anniversary date of your coverage year. In this case, Feb 1.
Q: What are qualified events?
A: If you are eligible to make coverage changes, your changes must be consistent with the change in status
The rules vary for each employer but here are some situations that qualify as a change in status: 1. Your legal marital status changes 2. The number of your eligible children changes 3. You or your spouse lose coverage from a different employer |
Q: What is my member ID number?
A: Your member ID number is a unique number provided to you by your employer or health plan, or it could be the last four digits of your Social Security number. If you’re not sure, your eye doctor or dental provider can usually access your benefit information with the last four digits of your Social Security number.